Kansas ObservatoriesBANNER CREEK Science Center and Observatory, Holton, has a Planewave 24-inch CDK mounted on the L 600 direct drive mount. This will be available remote operations in August, 2020. The observatory also conducts open houses for visual observation and CCD imaging. Group events can be scheduled CRANE OBSERVATORY—Opened in 1901, the Crane Observatory is currently located in the Stoffer Science Hall on the Washburn University campus, Topeka. Its unique Warner and Swasey re- fracting telescope was built in the late 1800s. The observatory schedules open houses for the public. EARL BANE Observatory—Opened in 1997, it is on the campus of Cloud County Community Col lege in Concordia. Its 12-inch Catadioptric telescope has a magnification power of 600, allowing for deep space observations. Star parties are held regularly. Open to the public. FARPOINT Observatory—A private observatory in Eskridge, it belongs to the Northeast Kansas Amateur Astronomy League (NEKAAL). NEKAAL holds public observing sessions from March to November, and for special sky events. Astronomy presentations can also be done on request, free of charge. LAKE AFTON Public Observatory—Located southwest of Wichita, LAPO is staffed by Kansas Astronomical Observers (KAO) volunteers, who reopened the observatory in 2016. The centerpiece is its 16-inch Ritchey-Chretian telescope paired with a 6-inch refracting telescope for wide-field observations and photography. Upgrades also include new control software, interactive exhibits and computer astronomy and science stations. Each year, LAPO hosts an AstroFest event in July. Open Friday and Saturday nights during the summer with observing and programs. Fee. MABEE Observatory—Opened in 2002, it is located on top of Krehbiel Science Center on the Bethel College campus in North Newton. It has a 16-inch Meade LX200 GPS, recent upgrades have been made to the imaging capabilities. It has a SBIG 16803 camera with filter wheel and adaptive optics. The dome has also been automated to track the telescope. All this should enable use for research purposes and teaching of scientific imaging. Currently no public events are scheduled, but are likely to be planned. PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY-GREENBUSH Astrophysical Observatory—(PSU-GAO) Opened in 1997, the observatory is a cooperative effort between Pittsburg State University, the Southeast Kansas Education Service Center, Craw-Kansas Telephone Cooperative and numerous school districts. The 24-inch Cassegrain telescope and other research equipment came from New Mexico State University where its specifications and installation had been overseen by Clyde Tombaugh in 1967. Open houses and programs are free. PSU uses it for research. Located about 20 miles northwest of Pittsburg. POWELL Observatory—Powell Observatory is a private observatory 25 miles south of Kansas City, just north of Louisburg, Kan. With its 30-inch diameter mirror, the Ruisinger telescope is one of the largest telescopes available for public viewing in a five-state area. Public programs are on Sat urday nights, May thru October. A donation is requested. Offsite outreach is available year-round. Owned by the Astronomical Society of Kansas City (ASKC), over half of its 425 members live in Kansas.
This page was modified on 04/28/20. |